Here are a few things that made our beer festival and 40th anniversary celebrations so special. Our friends from Wallenfels, their musicians, our musicians, the beer, and much more besides.
A familiar sound from previous beer fests was the music of German party band -the Kronach Hous’n Kuh (Rabbit-cows). Unfortunately they disbanded so we haven’t heard their music since the early 2000’s. But this year, the Toot Hill Dance band Alumni are going to bring the music back to life as the specially formed Bingham Rabbit-Cows! A big band extravaganza playing a party mix of traditional German beer festival song, Euro pop and classic Toot Hill Dance band tracks.
The Kronach Hous’ nküh, was a traditional Bavarian beer festival party band and as you can see in the photo of a 1997 beer stein from one of our previous beer fests, their logo is a mythical creature – half rabbit, half cow! This became the inspiration for the new logo and name – the Bingham Rabbit-Cows
The Bingham Rabbit-Cows did their first rehearsal last Christmas to see if it would be possible to put together a set of Bavarian music. With much success!
As part of the preparation, the music was performed at several events in the local area.
A sunny day and hugely popular performance.
The last piece of music The Kronach Hous’ nküh ever played at a Bingham Bavarian Beer Festival was the Final countdown. From an old grainy piece of video footage of this performance, a specially commissioned transcription has been written for this years beer festival band to add an extra level of authenticity to the recreation of the band.
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Here are few of the things that made our beer festival and 40th anniversary celebration so special, our friends from Wallenfels, their band, our band, the beer, and much more besides.
Wallenfels has it's own band and they will be joining the Bingham Beer festival to add an atmosphere of traditional Bavarian music.
Wallenfles regularly holds festivals - including beer festivals and the Musilverein is regularly plays at these. They have a strong, Brassy sound and they play a mixture of modern and traditional music.
The band is also very skilled at marching music and they are a mainstay of the parades that Wallenfels hold. They are a great part of the tradition of the town.
It was a vary important of the planning the beer festival to hold a meeting with both the Musikwerein and the Rabbit-Cows to organise how the event will work. And of course, a crucial part of this was to hold the meeting at one of the pubs in Wallenfels
To create the most authentic feel to our event
we are bringing beer directly from MalzSchmied brewery in Wallenfels. It has been specially brewed for us.
The brewer and owner of MalzSchmied brewery is Rob Smith, a man who went to school in Bingham but decided that he wanted to become an authentic Bavarian brewer. He moved to Wallenfels, trained o be a master brewer, started a family and now has his own brewery right in the centre of the town. He is highly acclaimed in Bavaria and his brewery is always working flat out to supply the demand.
Here the beer is being loaded onto a lorry to be brought all the way from Wallenfels - Bavaria to Bingham.
Rob is there to make sure the cargo is loaded safely.
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